Does online marketing only relate to the evolution of your keyword ranking? Or are there other measurements that deserve our greatest attention? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an absolutely essential tactic to include in the Digital Marketing of your business. But there are many Google Analytics metrics and reports that you must know about to reach the right conclusions and take the necessary action. Whether you do it yourself or work with an expert analyst, it’s important to understand what metrics you really need to pay attention to. While Keywords are important, it’s not the only metric you need to consider to determine your campaign’s success. There are many ways to measure success, and whichever you choose, you should remember the following.

4 Important Google Analytics metrics


The number of people who visited your site during a specific time period (e.g. last week, month or year). If the number of visitors does not increase, then something is wrong. In this case, you should pay attention to New Users. It’s great to see that your traffic continues to grow, but that does not mean your audience has increased. The ‘Users’ count represents the number of individual people who visit your site, no matter how many times they visited it. For example, if someone visits your site 3 times and another person visits it once, you have 2 unique users with 4 sessions. So, this helps you see if your audience grows and if your marketing efforts make a difference.

Top Landing Pages

Landing Pages are the pages on your site with the most traffic because your visitors find the most important information there. These are the pages where users visit directly without first having visited another page on your site. The information you receive from this metric can give you an idea of ​​which pages on your site are performing well and which of them are more useful to your visitors. So you understand that this information is especially significant when you create new content on your site. You can also see which pages have poor performance and design a strategy to address these weaknesses. When you determine how your pages are ranked based on the traffic they receive, then you can determine which pages are best optimized.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of visitors who achieved a goal on your site. Targets can be defined as a purchase, filling out a form, watching a video, etc. You should have defined the goals of your website in Google Analytics metrics. The conversion rate is probably one of the most important metrics you could track because it literally tells you how successful your site is. It also shows you how helpful the information that you provide is to visitors who need your product or service to solve their problem. If your conversion rate is low, you may need to reassess the content of your page to see if it answers the right questions and if it attracts the right audience. You can see if a Google Adwords ad has the desired results or needs improvement. An extra advantage of this is that it helps you to single out a problem on your website so that you can fix it. For example, if the conversion rate suddenly falls for a form submission, it probably means something is wrong with that form.

Traffic Referral Channels

This is one of the most important Google Analytics metrics. It shows you where your site visitors came from, who viewed your website and entered it. It is important to know where your traffic is coming from, so you can see if your efforts in some areas are successful. You’ll be able to see if a Facebook campaign is driving visitors to your page or if posting on Twitter leads people to read your latest article. If you do not see increased traffic from these sources, you can see what adjustments you need to make. You can also discover new opportunities. For example, if you notice that you have traffic from a blog that is linked to you, you may need to build a relationship with this blogger and enhance your presence on this blog and gain even more traffic from it.

Certainly, some of these metrics were used during your report, but you may not have understood how important they are. But now that you have a full picture of what these Google Analytics metrics can tell us, you can use them to perform successful SEO actions. Go to your Analytics and look deeper into these numbers and see how successful your campaign is. If you have difficulty locating these metrics or have questions about some other metrics, you can ask our experts by sending an email at