Digital Marketing Trainee
Looking for a young individual (up to 30 years old) who lives in Athens to take on the “Digital Marketing Trainee” role. At first, it will be a remote part-time (4 hours/every day from Monday to Friday) job. You will be trained by specialized employees. Professional growth and progress are the company’s ultimate goal for its personnel. After the end of the training, the individual may be hired full-time, depending on their response to the work expectations and the company’s needs.


Excellent PC Knowledge and Internet
Knowing how to use a computer or a laptop and the Internet are crucial since these are our only tools at work.

Good Command of English
You are expected to speak English fluently in order to communicate with our customers all over the globe.

Microsoft Expert
You should know how to use Microsoft Word, Excel and Google Docs effectively.


WordPress Experience
Individuals who know how to handle websites on WordPress are preferred.

Social Media Lovers
Knowing how to professionally use Social Media, especially Facebook and Instagram.

Γνώσεις Photoshop
People who have basic knowledge of Photoshop are wanted.

Duties – Responsibilities
- Social Media Management (Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Linkedin).
- Social Media Marketing (create and monitor ads).
- Google Ads (create and monitor ads).
- On Page & Off Page SEO Tasks.
- Write articles/posts.
- Contact clients/partners.
- Secretarial support.
- Create reports for clients.
Send your CV at the following email:

We kindly request that you do not call us. Instead, you should send your CV via email. We aim for permanent cooperation, so please only serious proposals from people with goals and appetite for work.